7 Tips On How To Become A Successful Blogger

It Is Recorded Worldwide That Millions Of Blogs Operate Daily With Am 
Average Of 61.8 Millon Posts Everyday. With This It Is Difficult To 
Become Successful In Any Niche You Wish To Operate On. But Today, I 
Will Give You Few Tips To Work On. 

1. Never Give Up: 
You Should Never Give Up Not now and not ever. Whenever you Have It In 
Mind Of Giving up, You are Already giving Another Soul The Opportunity 
To Compete One Less Spot. The Successful bloggers Never Had It In Mind 
To Give Up Instead, They Keep pushing It Harder until they achieve 
their Set Goal. You Will Be Successful If You Allow Anything that go 
wrong possibly go wrong. 

2. Promote Other Blogs but promote Yours More: 
As a Newbie Blogger, You may Conclude That The Secret to Successful 
Blogging is to Discuss about Other's Blog But you Have Got It wrong. 
At The Beginning, You need to get Info about your blog. This 
Illustrates That You Need To Focus Imersely on Promoting And 
Advertising your blog because you need to establish yourself. You need 
To Promote Others But Let It Be Once in a while So As to build 
relationships with them but do not make it A Job For You or focus more 
on it. You are building your own Brand so talkless About Others. 

3. Never Ignore Other marketing Strategies: 
One Popular mistake most bloggers make is not Making Use Of Other 
marketing channels to grow their blog. Once they Publish A Post, they 
start To write Another post but They Dont Know Their Blog Will Never 
Grow. You need to Drive traffic to your blog using various Means Like 
Paid Advertisement e.g Facebook ads, Twitter Ads Will give your Blog 
post traction. Social media presence is a necessary evil and SEO is a 
must. For SEO, we do not mean all the advanced stuffs like link 
building etc but the most basic stuffs like including your keyword in 
your title and naming your images with the alt tag. 

4. Understand yourself: 
You must Know who you are and learn how to turn What You Know into an advantage. 

5. Note your Niche: 
Just because entertainment Niche is The Towns hot cake does not mean 
you should join the Bus. Whenever you do Such, Then You Will get lost 
in the crowd. To truly Be Recognised And make a name for yourself, You 
need to identify which niche makes the most sense for you And Will Be 
Easy To Write On. Your Niche Could be because of your passion For It. 
It could Also be that you are knowledgeable about the niche. If you 
are writing about technology, write technology. Dont Say You Want 
Everyone To See You As Someone Current Else If you Do, You Will Be 
Termed Jack of all trade But master of none. 

6. Try To Gather Emails as soon as you can: 
Though, This Sounds A little advanced but from Your Blog Day One, 
Start To Think Of How you Will collect emails from your readers. These 
emails are going to Serve As the only medium by which you can build a 
lasting relationship with your readers. Not All Your Blog Readers will 
visit your blog every day and yet they would not mind hearing from 
you. For Newbie, I Recommend You To Add Google's Feedburner Email 
subscription form to your blog. 

7. Find a mentor: If you are lucky, You may find someone to mentor 
you but that may not be the case especially if you are a newbie. But 
If You Dont Have, I Will Advice You To Identify Two-Three bloggers in 
your niche that are successful. After That, Make it a point of duty to 
study them. Visit their blog every day. Follow them on Social media. 
Understand how They write, What they write about and who their 
audience is. Then go replicate them only do it better. 

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