Earn money by using free eSports website

First start of with thanks for start reading this guide, this is all about how to make some moneys with a online website called AlphaDraft.
You can signup there before you gonna read any furthur.

Step 1. Register
First you need to signup up on the website
by clicking HERE

Step 2. Deposit Money (Optional)
By deposting money you can join contest
with bigger ammount of price pots. This contests
can be variable from $0,10 to $1000 entry fee.
Go to your Balance > Account Balance > Add Funds

(Click here for a screen for deposit button)

Step 3. Go to lobby
Lets go to the lobby so we can find a contest.
To do that click on Lobby

Step 4. Finding a ContenstIf you are in the lobby you see all the contests.
Click now on the game you want or what I did go for all games
and click on 'ENTRY FEE' twice. Now search for the free contests,
those are green and click 'ENTER'

Step 5. Creating a teamThis is the hardest part of the thing, create your team. 
You have most likely $50K salary you need to use this 
to create your team and choose a team and you cannot enter that contest with
a negative salary. 
You can see your salary here

Step 6. How to create a teamBefore you start off creating a team you should see what to do,
so far I know you need to choose the players that will do good 
in the competition or game. Also check this to see some info and tip.

Step 7. What do I winYou can check that by checking the orange thingy HERE.
How bigger the pot how more you can win also FREE contests give 
less then a contests that are paid.

Thanks for reading this and I hoped it helped you a bit , also I do not know everthing exact but I 
hope I helped you out a little bit and if you have some more information share it with us...
