10 important tips and tricks to increase your Google AdSense revenue

The most popular way to earn money online is to follow all the rules of Google Adsense and Adsense is also the easiest way to earn money. If you follow all the guidelines of Google Adsense blogging then you will easily be able to earn a lot of good money from your blog by approving Adsense and showing ads correctly.

Many people are disappointed that Google Adsense was able to approve after a long effort but could not increase revenue. As a result, some people support using Google Adsense. In fact, such an idea is not right at all. The main reason Google Adsense revenue is not increasing is the inability to use it properly. If you can use Google Adsense ads in the right place, you can easily get a good amount of money from your blog. If you follow all the tips below, Google Adsense revenue will increase.
Details at a glance-
  1. Following the Google AdSense Policy:
  2. Using Responsive AdSense Ad Units:
  3. Put the ad code in the right place
  4. Publish regular content:
  5. Increasing the load time of the blog:
  6. Remove other ads
  7. Using Google AdSense Referrals:
  8. Use of Google Products Monetization:
  9. Use Google AdSense Standard Ad Size:
  10. High Paying Ads and Keywords:
01. Following the Google AdSense Policy:
Most publishers never think about this. They think it will not have much effect on the blog. Before applying to Google Adsense and after entering the code, they must read the complete Adsense Guideline and follow everything correctly. Doing something without following the Google Adsense Guidelines can ban your Google Adsense account at any time instead of increasing your revenue. Below are some of the major Google Adsense exclusions.
  • Don't click on ads on your blog.
  • Not using Paid Traffic or Clicking.
  • Not encouraging others to click on the ad.
  • Do not click on the ad by changing the IP Address.
  • Don't share anything like Adult Content and Alcohol on the blog.
  • Do not place ad code in any place where there is no content.
  • Do not place ads on blogs that do not support the language.
02. Using Responsive AdSense Ad Units:
Responsive AdSense Units are currently the most important factor in increasing Google Adsense revenue. If you survey, you will see that on an average, more than 50% of the total visitors to your blog are visiting your device from different types of devices, such as mobiles, smartphones and tablets. In this case, if your blog is not Responsive and does not use Responsive AdSense Units, then more than 50% of visitors are refraining from seeing ads, which means that you can not get any profit from those 50% visitors. So to increase the income of the blog, you must design the blog Responsive.
03. Put the ad code in the right place

Place Google Adsense ad codes in a place that is easy for visitors to see. This will make your blog more likely to click on the ad. Google Adsense always displays content related ads, so when the reader can easily see the ad, he may need that thing. In this case, he will need to click on the ad. However, refrain from placing large amounts of ads within the content area of ​​the blog.

04. Publish regular content:
Content is the main and only way to increase the traffic and revenue of a blog. If you want to get a lot of new unique visitors to your blog, then you must post new articles regularly. When you follow SEO and share good quality content on the blog, both visitors and revenue will continue to increase. But one thing to keep in mind is never to share copied content when trying to share more content. In this way, instead of increasing the income, you can lose the Adsense account.
05. Increasing the load time of the blog:
To be sure, a fast-paced blog will be able to increase both visitors and ad clicks. If your blog is very slow then you will not get visitors and Page View in any way. Because if the blog takes too long to load then the visitors will feel annoyed and will leave your blog. Moreover, in the current state of internet speed in Bangladesh, you can understand what will happen if the blog is slow.
07. Remove other ads
If you want to increase the revenue from Google Adsense ads, you must remove all the less important ads from Adsense. Then the load time of your blog will increase a lot. In addition, Google Adsense does not like to display other types of ads in addition to their own. If you use any other type of advertising before applying for Google Adsense, you must remove it. Otherwise the Adsense team will not approve your application in any way.
07. Using Google AdSense Referrals:
By linking your Google Adsense account to your Google Analytics account, you can easily learn more about your daily earnings. Moreover, through some sites, you will be able to know how and how much is being earned. For example, it will show the details of how much you earn by promoting blog links on Facebook or other such sites. This way you can easily understand what should be done to increase the revenue of your blog.
08. Use of Google Products Monetization:
You can use the Google Products Monetization options to earn some extra revenue from Google Adsense, that is, you can display ads on various other Google products. Here are some of the important products:
  • Youtube Monitization: If you have good quality videos on your Youtbe Channel, you can easily increase your source of income by using Adsense in the videos by becoming a Youtube Partner. Note that in recent times, the easiest way to make money online is to monetize videos on YouTube.
  • Using Adsense in RSS Feed: If you are using FeedBurner or have many subscribers, you can also increase revenue by displaying ads by adding Adsense account with RSS Feed.
  • Google Custom Search: Almost everyone in our blog uses Google Custom Search Box. You may not know that ads can be displayed by adding an Adsense account to this Google Custom Search Box. When someone searches for something on your blog using Google Custom Search, some ads will appear at the top and right of the search results. This advertising will also play a role in increasing revenue.
09. Use Google AdSense Standard Ad Size:
Ad size has different Click Rate and Demand. Using the right size ad will increase the amount of income. For example, 790 × 90, 728 × 90, 336 × 280, 300 × 250, 300 × 600 and 468 × 60 are much more expensive than others. Besides, you will notice that there are two types of advertisements, Image and Text.
10. High Paying Ads and Keywords:
As I said before, Adsense always displays Related Ads with posts. For example, if you write a post about the game of cricket, then that post will show the advertisement of the game of cricket in most cases. Similarly, if you post about any subject in America, the post will show advertisements of that country. In this case you can share good quality posts using High Label Keywords using Keyword Tool. Then Adsense will display good quality ads on your blog. This will more than double the revenue of your blog. Moreover, the rate of Adsense advertising is higher in developed countries. So if you can target visitors from USA, UK, Indonesia, Australia then you will be able to easily earn good money even with few visitors.
Conclusion: Here are the most important tips to increase revenue from Google Adsense. I can challenge any blogger to say that if one can fully follow these 10 tips above, then one can definitely earn good money (Smart Amount) by using Google Adsense on his blog.
